


We've developed this pathway for individuals who have accrued some college credits with a flexible and engaging opportunity to complete their bachelor’s degree. 的 curriculum is entirely online and brings together a variety of academic disciplines including education and the social sciences with a focus on 领导 skills and promoting 社会正义 to support career advancement.


Use the links below to learn more about what this means for a few of our students: 多丽丝,杰夫,蒙娜丽莎和鲁比!

Current social movements in California and across the United States have highlighted the need for reform in our community institutions to establish equity, access, and 社会正义. To have effective reforms, our local communities need a diverse corps 高技能的教育工作者和社会服务人员. 除了核心课程在 领导 and 社会正义, our new BA in Interdisciplinary Studies offers course 途径:

  • 幼儿教育 - supporting the development of children age 0 to 5 and their families
  • 包容性的教育 - educational 方法es to serve k-12 students of diverse backgrounds, 语言, and abilities in both formal and informal learning environments




  • 官方头衔: Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies, Concentration in 教育al and 社区 领导
  • 格式: 兼职,100%在线,全年
  • 单位: 60
  • 开始日期: 夏天,秋天,还是春天
  • 课程长度: 2年
  • 项目成本: 450美元/单位
  • 申请截止日期:
    • 在7月15日之前申请秋季开学
    • 在11月15日之前申请春季开学
    • 4月1日前申请夏季入学

我们会配合申请者一起申请 联邦佩尔助学金. If you work for a Local 教育 Agency (LEA) such as a school district, there 可能会有助学金来支持你的教育费用.

B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies Program at 菠菜网lol正规平台 has partnered with the Santa Clara County Office of 教育, Santa Cruz County Office of 教育, San Mateo Union High School District, and STEM Preparatory Schools to support classified staff working for these educational institutions with the Classified School Employee Grant Program.

分类学校雇员 Grant Program provides guidance and financial assistance 给那些寻求教师资格证书的未来教育工作者. 分类学校雇员 Teacher Credential Grant awarded by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing provides $4000 per year in stipends to assist classified employees pursuing a teaching 凭证.
如果你对这项资助有疑问, please contact our program (degreecompletion-education@hostelleriedusuroit.com).

Each spring semester, current students can also apply for 菠菜网lol正规平台 Lurie教育学院奖学金 下一学年.



As a result of completing this program, students will learn how to:

  1. Develop strategies to manage problems within 一个’s professional field using an interdisciplinary 方法.
  2. 领导 opportunities (planning, coordination, technology, and managing) that promote change for the betterment of all individuals within a community system.
  3. 使用一个 资产 方法 when supporting child, youth, adult, and community development.
  4. 提倡一个 反种族主义 方法 to establish 社会正义 with diverse communities.
  5. 沟通 以道德和负责任的口头和书面形式 跨越设置、目的和受众.


  • 全部完成 four CSU-approved General 教育 requirements with a C- or higher.
    • (A1)口头交流/演讲
    • (A2)英语写作
    • (A3)批判性思维/逻辑
    • (B4) Math/Quantitative Reasoning (above the level of intermediate algebra)
  • GPA 2.0或更高
  • In choosing the Early Childhood 教育 specialization pathway, students must have or find access for field placement in a suitable early childhood setting.

菠菜网lol正规平台 检查你是否有资格参加这个项目.


  • 浏览我们的 关于如何申请的信息
  • 菠菜网lol正规平台的招生顾问 so we can check your eligibility to apply - completing 60 units of lower-division general education (GE) requirements - and assist you with:
    • Locating transcripts from your previous schools to review courses
    • Guiding you through the steps to applying on CalState Apply
  • 完成 菠菜网lol正规平台转学步骤入学
  • Please contact us before submitting your application so we can ensure you have the requirements needed to apply and provide you any assistance you need.

项目课程| 60个单元





满足我们的需求.A. 跨学科研究及支援人员

Zahira LCOE                                       约翰LCOE
